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October 2017

Innovation and Market Research. Are they compatible?
Innovation and Market Research. Are they compatible? 1024 549 Ryan Garner

It’s funny how often we revisit this question. There always seems to be tension between the ‘gut feeling’ or ‘preferred innovation methods’ of an entrepreneur/business while gathering customer insights. Part…

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Net Promoter Score NPS
Net Promoter Score (NPS) and how it works
Net Promoter Score (NPS) and how it works 600 442 Beth Hepple

What is a Net Promoter Score (NPS)? Your Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a growing customer metric. It gauges the quality of your product experience and the impact this has on…

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What your data tells advertisers about your gender… and why it matters.
What your data tells advertisers about your gender… and why it matters. 3351 1832 Claire Hovey

Facebook is more than a pastime for idle thumbs; it’s a multi-billion pound selling platform for brands of all sizes. Facebook gathers all the information you leave behind when you…

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Why it’s important to verify brands and citizens are real
Why it’s important to verify brands and citizens are real 700 700 StJohn Deakins

Real, harmonious data sharing CitizenMe is passionate about enabling you to unlock the value of your data on your terms. This value can take many forms. In the current CitizenMe…

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Next generation audience profiles
Next generation audience profiles 1240 588 Beth Hepple

The Challenge OMD are a leading advertising agency whose planners are searching for rich customer profiles to better define their new campaigns. To gain competitive advantage for their clients, they sought…

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Why AdTech is down a rabbit hole and how to climb back out
Why AdTech is down a rabbit hole and how to climb back out 1000 748 Ryan Garner

I’ve been involved in a lot of discussions over the past few years about the effectiveness of digital marketing. Being critical of AdTech and related digital marketing ecosystems used to…

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