How to

Survey Checklist
Survey checklist: what to look out for before you hit publish
Survey checklist: what to look out for before you hit publish 600 442 Beth Hepple

We all get pre-survey nerves. If you’ve ever felt (or are feeling) a bit nervous before publishing a survey, you’re not alone. Fear of forgetting something big, or missing something…

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Brand Awareness
Using surveys to gauge brand awareness
Using surveys to gauge brand awareness 600 442 Beth Hepple

For businesses new and old, it is important to make people aware of your brand and what your organisation does. Most brands will use a combination of marketing efforts to…

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Questions your consumers don't want to hear
Questions your consumers don’t want to hear
Questions your consumers don’t want to hear 600 442 Beth Hepple

When it comes to creating a successful survey, you need to ensure you create questions that will get you the best responses from your audience. That being said, you also…

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Market research for marketers
How marketing teams can use market research
How marketing teams can use market research 600 442 Beth Hepple

There are many ways in which market research can help to shape the strategy of marketing teams, whether this is to do with planning a new campaign or formatting an…

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Concept Testing
Concept testing and why it’s important
Concept testing and why it’s important 600 442 Beth Hepple

Concept or product testing is a really important thing to consider when you are thinking of developing or launching a new product/service. You will be able to determine whether your…

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Net Promoter Score NPS
Net Promoter Score (NPS) and how it works
Net Promoter Score (NPS) and how it works 600 442 Beth Hepple

What is a Net Promoter Score (NPS)? Your Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a growing customer metric. It gauges the quality of your product experience and the impact this has on…

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Sample Size
Sample size and why it’s important
Sample size and why it’s important 600 442 Beth Hepple

When it comes to market research, one of the most important things to think about is sample size; considering how many people you need to survey/speak to in order to…

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Rating Scale
Rating scales and how to work with them
Rating scales and how to work with them 600 442 Beth Hepple

When conducting market research, it is really important to try to get a balanced opinion from those you are surveying. While offering questions with a simple yes/no answer may give…

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How to write a survey
How to write a great survey
How to write a great survey 600 442 Ryan Garner

Learning how to write a great survey is one of the most important aspects of conducting research. Your questionnaire defines your inputs and the resulting data you end up working with.…

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Data Analysis
Data analysis: an introduction
Data analysis: an introduction 600 442 Beth Hepple

You may have sent out a really successful survey and received a ton of responses, but are a bit of a novice when it comes to data analysis. We’re here…

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How to personalise your survey using logic
How to personalise your survey using logic 600 442 Beth Hepple

A survey is a conversation between your brand and an individual. Like all good conversations you should try and keep that conversation personal and relevant to who it is you’re…

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Define Audience
Defining your audience for research
Defining your audience for research 600 442 Ryan Garner

When conducting research, defining your audience should be your first step. Knowing exactly who you want to speak to will make writing your questionnaire and setting your sample size much…

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