artificial intelligence

AI, CitizenMe and You – Part 2: What Exactly is AI?
AI, CitizenMe and You – Part 2: What Exactly is AI? 300 168 StJohn Deakins

AI, CitizenMe and You. Part 2: What Exactly Is AI (Artificial Intelligence?) So what Exactly is AI (Artificial Intelligence)? Firstly – AI is *not* this: Credit: Terminator (1984) And AI…

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AI, CitizenMe and You: Introduction
AI, CitizenMe and You: Introduction 1280 720 StJohn Deakins

We are all now digital citizens: humans connected through a digital world. Our mission at CitizenMe is to empower all of us Citizens with the true value of our own…

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Artificial Intelligence: Winning Vs Humanness
Artificial Intelligence: Winning Vs Humanness 480 294 StJohn Deakins

Do you care about winning?  It turns out that Artificial Intelligence does too. Google DeepMind has discovered that in highly competitive situations, the more intelligent an AI becomes the more aggressive it’ll…

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How to prevent creeping artificial intelligence becoming creepy
How to prevent creeping artificial intelligence becoming creepy 1024 565 Neil Lawrence

My latest post for The Guardian on artificial intelligence: With successful AI emerging slowly and almost without us noticing, we must improve the understanding between human and computer. The traditional…

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