
AI, CitizenMe and You – Part 2: What Exactly is AI?
AI, CitizenMe and You – Part 2: What Exactly is AI? 300 168 StJohn Deakins

AI, CitizenMe and You. Part 2: What Exactly Is AI (Artificial Intelligence?) So what Exactly is AI (Artificial Intelligence)? Firstly – AI is *not* this: Credit: Terminator (1984) And AI…

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AI, CitizenMe and You: Introduction
AI, CitizenMe and You: Introduction 1280 720 StJohn Deakins

We are all now digital citizens: humans connected through a digital world. Our mission at CitizenMe is to empower all of us Citizens with the true value of our own…

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Why AdTech is down a rabbit hole and how to climb back out
Why AdTech is down a rabbit hole and how to climb back out 1000 748 Ryan Garner

I’ve been involved in a lot of discussions over the past few years about the effectiveness of digital marketing. Being critical of AdTech and related digital marketing ecosystems used to…

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