artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: What side of the Force will it be?
Artificial Intelligence: What side of the Force will it be? 500 213 Alexia Keller

As with all new innovations entering uncharted territory, speculations about Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)’s future are unsurprisingly causing a wide variety of reactions across the academic, professional and even social, everyday…

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5G and the Internet of Things
5G and the Internet of Things 1280 832 Claudia Velilla

There is no doubt you’ll be hearing a lot about 5G in 2019. For one, there is a great deal of benefits in 5G data connection over 4G, with the…

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Can you change your personality?
Can you change your personality? 2568 1712 Claudia Velilla

Just as most of us will express interest in changing some of our physical features that we may dislike or feel insecure about, can the same be said for our…

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Rip it Up, Start Again
Rip it Up, Start Again 480 360 Claudia Velilla

We were very excited to see our founder StJohn Deakins ripping it up at the Rip It Up@Paddington Works, a London Tech Week event on June the 13th! CitizenMe joined a…

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Royal Society: Privacy Enhancing Technology
Royal Society: Privacy Enhancing Technology 2048 2048 StJohn Deakins

Our global digital society is rapidly changing. In the space of a decade, the concept of  “Privacy” has gone from being an essential human right, to being dismissed as an…

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Robots working
The Future of Work
The Future of Work 1276 844 Henry Wellington

The world as we know it was built on the idea that you work for a living. Your place in society is generally determined by the work you or your…

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Becoming digital Citizens: From survive to thrive
Becoming digital Citizens: From survive to thrive 1920 1281 StJohn Deakins

“Saving our planet” is now one of the most pressing global issues for humanity. As we progress out of the industrial era into a new era of digital knowledge, the…

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DataIQ Awards
DataIQ Awards 1280 720 Claudia Velilla

We’re honoured to have been shortlisted for the DataIQ Awards for Best Data Ethics and Privacy Initiative! Due to the recent increase in awareness of consumers’ data rights following the…

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Goodbye AI, hello HIA Knowledge
Goodbye AI, hello HIA Knowledge 1250 837 StJohn Deakins

We’ve reached peak “AI”. Every tech startup with a line of code and a calculation is touting itself as the next potential Artificial Intelligence breakthrough. The reality is that 2…

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AI, CitizenMe and You (long read version)
AI, CitizenMe and You (long read version) 1280 720 StJohn Deakins

In this combined piece of 7 blog posts, we explain what Artificial Intelligence does, why it’s so useful for us all, what we’re doing at CitizenMe – and what this…

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AI, CitizenMe and You – Part 6: Can it reason?
AI, CitizenMe and You – Part 6: Can it reason? 3000 2000 StJohn Deakins

AI, CitizenMe and You – Part 6: Can it Reason? This is the big one. Machine Learning makes decisions based on patterns that it finds in large amounts of data.…

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AI, CitizenMe and You – Part 4: Can it move?
AI, CitizenMe and You – Part 4: Can it move? 150 150 StJohn Deakins

If a machine can move by itself without help, and moves based on what it can see, feel and hear around it (i.e. not on a pre-programmed route or a…

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