Data Monopolisation

CitizenMe in The Economist
CitizenMe in The Economist 1280 720 StJohn Deakins

It’s been fantastic to see The Economist Schumpeter Column picking up on the potential of the new Personal Data economy in recent months. In September… The column talked about the…

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Clash Of The Digital Titans: Apple Takes Trust ‘Premium’
Clash Of The Digital Titans: Apple Takes Trust ‘Premium’ 1262 631 StJohn Deakins

Apple Positions For Privacy And Trust Against Google – But Facebook And AdTech Are The Losers. Last week the digital Titans clashed again – and in the next few months we’ll all have a ringside seat as the impact is revealed.

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The information barons threaten our autonomy and our privacy
The information barons threaten our autonomy and our privacy 1024 565 Neil Lawrence

My latest post on The Guardian: As we share more of ourselves online we become easier to predict and control, how can we address this imbalance of power in the…

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