
Rating Scale
Rating scales and how to work with them
Rating scales and how to work with them 600 442 Beth Hepple

When conducting market research, it is really important to try to get a balanced opinion from those you are surveying. While offering questions with a simple yes/no answer may give…

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How to write a survey
How to write a great survey
How to write a great survey 600 442 Ryan Garner

Learning how to write a great survey is one of the most important aspects of conducting research. Your questionnaire defines your inputs and the resulting data you end up working with.…

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Data Analysis
Data analysis: an introduction
Data analysis: an introduction 600 442 Beth Hepple

You may have sent out a really successful survey and received a ton of responses, but are a bit of a novice when it comes to data analysis. We’re here…

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How to personalise your survey using logic
How to personalise your survey using logic 600 442 Beth Hepple

A survey is a conversation between your brand and an individual. Like all good conversations you should try and keep that conversation personal and relevant to who it is you’re…

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Define Audience
Defining your audience for research
Defining your audience for research 600 442 Ryan Garner

When conducting research, defining your audience should be your first step. Knowing exactly who you want to speak to will make writing your questionnaire and setting your sample size much…

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Desserts required
Desserts required 150 150 Beth Hepple

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Tea vs Coffee
Tea vs Coffee 150 150 Beth Hepple

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Why NetNeutrality Matters – CitizenMe in CityAM
Why NetNeutrality Matters – CitizenMe in CityAM 1024 565 StJohn Deakins

Yesterday, CityAM asked us if The US Congress should reconsider the move to scrap NetNeutrality following this weeks day of action. Our answer: Yes! This is economics 101. Infrastructure and service companies…

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Your biggest vice?
Your biggest vice? 150 150 Beth Hepple

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Artificial Intelligence: Winning Vs Humanness
Artificial Intelligence: Winning Vs Humanness 480 294 StJohn Deakins

Do you care about winning?  It turns out that Artificial Intelligence does too. Google DeepMind has discovered that in highly competitive situations, the more intelligent an AI becomes the more aggressive it’ll…

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